Umpires Corner – Rd 11

Thanks to everyone who donated last week at our BBQ, as a group we raised $192 dollars for Beyond Blue. Our next BBQ will be on 31st July.

Just before you go out on the field we recommend that you check that you have everything you need; whistle, wristbands, flags. Unfortunately for Adam Morrow, when walking out for his reserves game on the weekend he forgot to check he had both his wristband and whistle with him. Having to make a quick dash back to the rooms after reaching the centre to retrieve them both. Not an experience he will likely to repeat, especially as he happened to do it on the week when he happened to be umpiring with our director of umpiring.

The seniors game at Cheltenham seemed to be a slip and slid event with 2 of our umpires falling over within the first quarter. One boundary umpire, Kennedy, not helped by his purple hair, fell over in the first 15 seconds of the game. He was soon outshined by Micheal, one of the Fieldies, who didn’t fall once but three times he either fell or got knocked over in the first 2 quarters of the game. I’m sure they’ll both be watching there footing for now on.